Get to know our currently available Renata França massages

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Lymphatic Drainage

This full-body technique combines firm pressure and fast rhythm. Physiological lymph filtration is stimulated through lymphatic nodules “pumping like” movements. Allied to exclusive manoeuvres, this technique reduces oedema, activates blood flow and boosts the lymphatic drainage system function. With immediate results that can last up to 48-72hrs: reduction in liquid retention and, therefore, body volume; better and more defined body contour; reduces the appearance of cellulite; relief of heavy leg sensation.

Massage during post-surgical period

Click the below to find more about lymphatic drainage benefits during the post-op period. 

Massage and Vascular disease

Click the link below and find more about massage and lymphatic drainage benfits for whom suffers from vascular issues. 

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Body Shaping

The Body SHAPING MASSAGE is a manual massage technique that applies vigorous, fast and firm movements along the whole body. This massage presents surprising results, as it was conceived to model adipocytes. Shaping the fat tissue to the right places, we can achieve a better body contour and definition. Kneading, pinching and sliding are some of the manoeuvres that promise to give the body a new shape and ensure a curvy silhouette.

Massage and muscle recovery

Click bellow to find more about the benefits of massage in muscular recovery. 

Massage and aging

Click the link bellow to find more about massage benfits for the elderly. 

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Miracle Face

With lymphatic drainage and shaping massage techniques, this massage reduces under-eye swelling and dark circles, accentuates face shapes and promotes natural skin revitalization. With an immediate lifting effect, this massage is ideal for brides, before any big event, postoperative recovery. When done frequently can also aid the long term prevention of wrinkles and sagging of the face, etc. Miracle Face promises results as fantastic as its body version.

Skin aging and life habits

Click the link below to know more about the impact of our habits in our skins health and aging.

Massage and Medicine

Click the link to find some of the benefits of massage in general health.